Our Featured Products
Trade Grade Super Pump 700
The Super Pump
Our Hayward Super Pump 700 sets the industry standard for excellence and value. The trade grade edition that we install features a totally enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC) motor ensuring long-lasting performance and uniform heat dissipation. We have them in stock and available in several different HP ratings. This pump is not a throw-away appliance; it is the most service-friendly pump on the market. Combining advanced hydraulics with corrosion-proof materials creates an exceptional value.
Pentair Intelliflo VS
The Intelliflo
This is an amazing pump, but the reasons you should buy it are simple. With programmable variable speed, it saves a lot of money on energy costs. During the winter, it can be run on a very low, almost indetectable, speed, and you won’t have to worry about anything freezing. In the heat of summer, or when the water needs to be cleaned, it can run on all 3 horses of power for impressive filtration turnover. And with a freakishly quiet 45-decibel operation, you’ll think the water is moving itself!
The Sand Dollar
Your filter has one job to do—hold sand. But under pressure (literally), many filters out there simply tank. The sand dollar is built for the long haul. Its robust, no B. S. design makes it our filter of choice for hot Mississippi summers. The wide lateral hub assembly makes the most of its filter media. The dial valve is secure and moves effortlessly. It is not the cheapest filter out there, but it is the one that—once installed—it’s there.