Greenaway Pool and Spa

Your LOCAL pool guys!

Since 2008 we have been offering high quality pool work that keeps our customers coming back time and again. We provide full service diagnostics, maintenance, and repair for any pool or spa configuration. Our goal is to provide pool and spa service to the greater Golden Triangle area that is second to none. If it's not right, we make it right.


Spas | Hot Tubs | Pool Maintenance | Pool Chemicals | Pool Liners | Water Testing | High-Efficiency Pumps | Spa Repair | Salt Chlorinators | Fountains | Hot Tub Repair | Jacuzzi | Filters | Polaris Pool Sweep | Strong Spas | Winterization | Algae Control | Strong Spas | Hayward | Automated Pool Cleaning | EZ Chlor

SMS COMMUNICATION: For your convenience, you may OPT IN to SMS / TEXT correspondence. You may do this by calling us at 662-251-9559 and verbally requesting to opt in. You may opt out by replying STOP at any time. Reply HELP if you need assistance. Message and data rates may apply. Greenaway does not share your personal information with anyone. Your information is remains encrypted within our secure system and is not passed outside of our system. We check our system regularly to ensure data security. SMS correspondence is used solely for the purposes of scheduling and technical support for our products and services, per your express consent, and as such message frequency may vary. Customers usually receive texts twice a month depending upon the complexity of their swimming pool equipment and the nature of their service subscription.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: By ordering or subscribing to goods or services provided by Greenaway Holdings, LLC (d.b.a. “Greenaway Pool and Spa or Greenaway Pool Service”), hereinafter “Greenaway”, the consumer or “customer” agrees to the terms and conditions provided herein. 

SERVICE CALL: A service call shall be defined as any type of diagnostic evaluation, provision of service, or repair for which any Greenaway employee enters a customer’s property, or a property under a customer’s custody.  Notwithstanding prior agreements, if a Greenaway service truck visits a pool site, the customer shall be liable for not less than the amount of a minimum service call assessed at the standard labor rate.

LABOR RATE: Effective January 1, 2020, for any service call—of whatever nature or type—provided by Greenaway, the customer agrees to pay a minimum service charge of one (1) hour at the standard rate of $85 per hour plus every quarter hour after the first hour.  In addition to labor charges, travel time shall be assessed for any job located outside of Lowndes County, Mississippi at the standard rate of $85 per hour.  Spa repairs and master technician labor is assessed at a rate of $115 per hour.  Standard rates do not necessarily apply to service contracts, major repairs, and the replacement of equipment.

LATE PAYMENTS: Payment is due when service is rendered.  Accounts that are 30 days past due shall be subject to a late fee service charge of $5 or 4% of the total due, whichever is greater.

CREDIT CARD SURCHARGE: Credit card transactions are subject to a 4% surcharge to cover transaction fees. Upon request and on a case by case basis, transactions fees on amounts less than $500 may be waived.

WINTERIZATION: Pool closings may include winterization services which help protect against freeze damage.  Upon request, customer equipment will be drained and air will be blown into plumbing.  Such services, however, cannot prevent all types of freeze damage caused by leaking, degradation, seepage, and ground shifting.  As such, no warranties are offered relating thereto, and liabilities shall be limited to the cost of services rendered.  It is therefore imperative that the customer and homeowner maintain familiarity with the configuration and construction of pool/spa plumbing, and take necessary actions in the event of freezing weather.

WARRANTIES: Greenaway’s liabilities for equipment and accessories shall be limited to that which is offered by the manufacturer.  Liabilities relating to installer’s workmanship shall be limited to the cost of services rendered.  No liability shall result from vandalism or neglect of property, including but not limited to improper water chemistry or failure to provide timely maintenance.  No other guarantees are made, implied or otherwise, except which is provided in writing.

SURFACE COATINGS: Applications and materials of surface coatings have no warranty beyond the manufacturer's guarantee. 

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